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EpochWriter: Effective Legal Writing for Lead Generation


Law firms must maximize inbound marketing and content marketing strategies to stay on top of lead generation in their digital marketing plans to attract more potential clients. Creating a website that presents the firm as experienced, trustworthy and authoritative shows potential clients that the lawyers are experts in their fields.

EpochWriter creates copy that can draw in potential clients and make search engines happy without incorporating awkward keywords.

Digital marketing plans attract potential clients.
Optimize legal writing with EpochWriter

Why You Should Care About Search Engines

The type of traffic you want to your website is traffic that is more likely to convert to loyal clients. You can attract these organic leads by using digital marketing tactics to increase your position on search engine result pages (SERPs).

Most searchers browse through the results on the first two or three pages, which means your website needs to be near the top of the SERPs for lead generation. Using the appropriate keywords and placing them in strategic places throughout the content on your website and writing content that shows experience, expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness helps increase your visibility on SERPs.


Family Law and Inbound Marketing

Divorce lawyers need multi-page websites that highlight all services they offer, including:

  • Divorce (dissolution of marriage)
  • Child support
  • Spousal support (alimony)
  • Time-sharing (custody and visitation)
  • Division of assets and liabilities
  • Adoption
  • Domestic violence
  • Mandatory disclosure and evidence
  • Uncontested divorce
  • Contested divorce
  • Parental alienation

EpochWriter tailors family law content that focuses on each of these topic areas that families may be having trouble with. Many considering divorce or going through a divorce have questions about the process, including how child support works, whether they will have to pay or can receive alimony, what to do if a spouse is abusive, how to divide assets fairly, and what to do when a spouse hides or wastes assets.

Contact EpochWriter for Inbound Marketing for Family Law Firms
Contact EpochWriter for Content Marketing for Bankruptcy Lawyers

Bankruptcy and Content Marketing

Bankruptcy law for the average person is often confusing and scary. You can attract clients by educating potential clients about the purpose and benefits of bankruptcy, including getting a fresh, clean start and stopping the hounding of creditors.

Some people may not want to sell everything they own, but because they don’t understand all of the options bankruptcy offers, they hesitate to contact a bankruptcy lawyer. Take the opportunity of using inbound marketing to educate potential clients about the different types of bankruptcy, including:

  • Chapter 7 liquidation;
  • Chapter 13 reorganization; and
  • Chapter 11 reorganization for individuals with many assets and businesses.

Use your digital marketing plan to give potential clients hope and a way to get out of debt with well-written content about various solutions.


Attract Personal Injury Clients with Engaging Content in Your Digital Marketing Plan

Not only does personal injury marketing have to be informative, but it also has to be empathetic to the injured person’s pain points, whether the person suffered catastrophic injuries, lost a loved one, or has minor injuries that could affect his or her ability to work for several weeks.

You can offer guidance on what to do after an accident or incident, such as a car accident, product liability claim, dog bite, slip and fall, nursing home abuse, medical malpractice, or other types of personal injuries.

Once someone who suffered injuries and other losses understands the extent of his or her losses, the compensation he could recover, and that most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, he is more likely to contact a personal injury lawyer.

Contact EpochWriter for Personal Injury Inbound Marketing



Contact EpochWriter for Estate Planning Content Marketing for Lawyers

Digital Marketing Plans for Probate Law and Estate Planning

When someone has just lost a loved one, the last thing on their mind is probate. However, state laws force people to handle legal matters, sometimes even before the person can process his or her loss.

A digital marketing plan for estate planning and probate attorneys should target audiences who need to create an estate plan now and handle probate after a death, whether their loved one died testate or intestate.

Using a combination of knowledgeable information and empathy for a potential client’s situation, probate lawyers can attract potential clients by covering all aspects of probate law, including:

  • Dealing with probate court;
  • Creating an estate plan, including a will, trust, living will, power of attorney and other documents before the potential client needs them;
  • State laws when someone dies intestate; and
  • State laws when someone dies testate.

In addition to addressing common situations, a digital marketing plan can target those with unique situations, such as contesting a will or leaving money to charity.



Effective Legal Writing: An Artform to Increase Lead Generation

A digital marketing plan is not an effective lead-generation strategy unless you use effective legal writing that targets the many demographics involved with each area of law, including:

  • Age;
  • Geographic location;
  • Psychographics;
  • Income;
  • Education;
  • Religion; and
  • More.

A multi-part digital marketing plan uses web pages, landing pages, blogs, and other digital media to target a specific audience for a particular service or product. When you combine these pieces with effective legal writing, you can further increase lead generation opportunities and better convert organic leads.

Lead Generation Strategy for Lawyers



Contact EpochWriter for Effective Legal Content Marketing Strategies

EpochWriter understands the needs of potential clients and creates powerful content for your digital marketing plan, whether you want to target audiences for family law, bankruptcy, estate planning, probate law, personal injury, or other practice areas.

We combine effective legal writing and search engine optimization techniques with persuasive CTAs to increase organic lead generation and conversion to loyal clients. Contact EpochWriter today to discuss a digital marketing plan to increase lead generation and conversion.


Blogs, Web Pages, White Papers, GMB Descriptions, Articles, Logos, Web Design


Keywords, Long-Tail Keywords, Meta Titles, Meta Descriptions, Internal Linking, Sitemaps


Legal, Automotive, Home and Garden, Cooking, Pets, Recipes, Real Estate, Personal Finance

Content Management

Create Blog Schedules, Marketing Strategies, FB posts, Google My Business Descriptions 


Legal, Automotive, Home and Garden, Cooking, Pets, Recipes, Real Estate, Personal Finance

Web Design

Logos, Creating New Websites for Your Business, Joomla!, SEO, Blogs, Page Text

Web Pages

Legal, Automotive, Home and Garden, Cooking, Pets, Recipes, Real Estate, Personal Finance


Blogs, Web Pages, White Papers, Google My Business Descriptions, Articles

Our Clients

  Rhea Morrigan, Author