Use Landing Pages for Effective Content Marketing


Having a website is often not enough to attract some customers. You must target your audience. The best way to target an audience is to create landing pages geared toward a specific part of your audience. Your inbound marketing strategy includes listing those most likely to purchase your services or products.

For example, if people between the ages of 18 and 60 benefit from your product or service, you might create landing pages to target different age brackets since those who are 18 to 35 often have different interests than those from 35 to 60. You can also target by geographic area and other criteria, including behavioral characteristics, intent, and interests.

EpochWriter builds landing pages directed to a specific portion of your audience to help direct that audience to your services and products.

Target Audience
Landing Page Target Marketing

What are Landing Pages?

A landing page is a standalone web page designed to capture a specific portion of your audience. The page is designed to attract a specific age group, geographic location or other criteria and encourage the specific audience to purchase your goods and services, download an e-book, sign up for a newsletter, or any other action. Websites could have one or several landing pages, depending on the audience you are trying to reach. These stripped-down pages focus on one goal and do not have distractions.


Leverage Content Marketing and Drive Inbound Marketing Success

Content and inbound marketing are part of a successful digital marketing strategy that keeps current customers engaged and attracts potential customers.

Leverage Content Marketing
Showcase Your Services on Landing Pages

Using Landing Pages for Content Marketing

Content marketing is relevant and valuable content that showcases your products and services to capture leads.

For example, a landscaping company might use landing pages to drive traffic to its main website for each type of service it offers. The landing page provides information about that one service and allows customers searching for that specific service to find you easier. And, as a benefit to the potential customer, he or she doesn’t have to wade through a complete website to find the information he is looking for.


Using Landing Pages for Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing attracts customers because of the valuable content you post, rather than traditional marketing methods. It provides potential customers with a solution to their problems, thus, encouraging the customer to purchase your products and services. You could attract more customers by providing a discount or another offer for those who click through the page.

Inbound marketing uses blogs to direct potential customers to specific landing pages. For example, your landscaping company creates a blog explaining how to create hardscapes. A potential customer loves the way the hardscape looks and wants to find out who can provide that. A call-to-action directs the potential customer to a landing page with specific information about hardscapes.

The landing page’s call-to-action directs the potential customer to call your landscaping company or visit your main website for even more information. The landing page can also contain an offer for those who purchase your goods or services through the landing page.

Inbound Marketing



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How Landing Pages Are Different From Websites

A hastily put-together landing page will not attract potential customers. You must have certain elements to make this type of inbound marketing work, including:

  • A headline that grabs the potential customer’s attention.
  • Concise copy that highlights the benefits of your product or service.
  • Visuals to make your landing page more engaging.
  • A strong call-to-action (CTA) directing the potential customer to take action.
  • Be free of distractions, including excessive links and menus.
  • Include your logo and other trust signals, such as testimonials.
  • Be optimized for mobile devices.



Give Your Website an Infusion of Flavor with Landing Pages

Provide a focused and persuasive platform to encourage potential customers to take action. Contact EpochWriter to discuss your digital marketing plan, including one or more landing pages that direct customers to purchase your goods and services.

Use Multi-Page Websites to Engage Customers with Attractive Content Marketing


The digital landscape is rife with competition for conversions. With a good digital marketing plan for content marketing and inbound marketing, you have a powerful strategy to attract new customers, educate them and convert them into loyal customers. Using multi-page websites to optimize your inbound and content marketing efforts can increase your chances of being at or near the top of search engine result pages (SERPs).

Contact EpochWriter today to discuss a digital marketing plan or to amend a current digital marketing plan to include or add content marketing and inbound marketing strategies.

SERP, search engine results, conversion, convert customers
Web conversion, inbound marketing, content marketing

Using Multi-Page Websites to Combine Content Marketing and Inbound Marketing

While content marketing drives customer action and inbound marketing provides helpful content without other distractions, both are designed to offer potential customers valuable information and resources.

Multi-page websites are ideal for both types of marketing – or, better yet, a combination of both. With a multi-page website, you can use several formats to attract potential customers, including blogs, videos, informational pages for each type of service and/or product, infographics, white papers, case studies and more.


Maximize Content Marketing and Inbound Marketing with Multi-Page Websites

In order to maximize your content marketing and inbound marketing efforts, you must structure your website so visitors can find the information they need quickly. If visitors can’t find what they are looking for, they will move on to the next business’s website.

A multi-page website should have the following elements:

  • Clear navigation menus. Responsive sites should have two menus to help those with smaller screens find information.
  • Menus should categorize information about your products, services and business, giving the information a logical flow so it’s easier to find.
  • Keyword optimization with keywords incorporated without sounding awkward.
  • Keywords in meta titles, meta descriptions, page titles and headings to help attract organic traffic.
  • Captivating landing pages that target various sections of your total audience.
  • Regularly updated and engaging blogs to provide detailed information to your potential customers.
  • Improved navigation with internally linked content.

A well-designed website keeps potential customers on your page longer and helps search engines index your pages.

Navigation menus, keyword optimization

Creating a Robust Framework of Content Marketing and Inbound Marketing with EpochWriter

With multi-page websites, you can also track which product or service receives the most interest. You can also create an optimized structure with relevant keywords to help people and search engines find your business. Create a well-executed multi-page website as part of your digital marketing plan by contacting EpochWriter today.

Use Single-Page Web Sites to Power Up Your Digital Marketing Plan


Sometimes, you don’t need a full website to market your business. EpochWriter provides a digital marketing plan with inbound marketing and content marketing on single web pages. Single-page websites are best for those who have one service or are marketing one product.

A single-page website can deliver concise, captivating content that could lead to conversion rates by driving the engagement of potential customers. The focus of these pages, much like landing pages, is inbound marketing and lead generation. Contact EpochWriter to discuss a digital marketing plan with a single-page website.

Single-Page Lead Generation
Experience, Lead Generation

Streamlined User Experience

Some segments of the population have a short attention span, others are in a hurry; thus, a one-page website with all of the information you need to convey is more attractive. While a single-page website doesn’t have several pages that list different products and services, it may have a link to your blog. All the information a prospective customer needs is on one page.


Optimizing Single-Page Websites

Deliver high-quality content to attract potential customers with a single-page website combined with a blog by incorporating relevant keywords and creating a compelling narrative about your product or service. With this strategy, you can convert potential customers into customers by showing experience, expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness.

When you focus on a single-page website, you must target your entire audience within the first few paragraphs. When you present valuable content that packs all the required information about your service or product in a short piece punctuated with graphics, you can inspire potential customers to take action.

Keyword optimization
Website Aesthetics, Website Functionality

Aesthetics and Functionality

When you choose a single-page website, your site must immediately grab the reader’s attention – you don’t have the benefit of impressing someone with other pages. Images, compelling content, and intuitive navigation elements encourage potential customers to take action. Your brand identity also helps convince potential customers to take action.


Lead Generation with a Single-Page Website

Not all single-page websites are successful at lead generation as they don’t have enough content to build the trust of a potential customer. However, when you have compelling content and excellent images that tell the whole story about your brand and service or product, this form of digital marketing can be quite successful. Single-page websites use a clear and concise call-to-action (CTA) that encourages potential customers to take action.

Lead Generation



Contact a Digital Marketing Specialist to Create a Single-Page Digital Marketing Plan

You can significantly boost inbound marketing efforts with a single-page website as long as it is designed and written to attract your target audience. Contact EpochWriter today to discuss a digital marketing plan and lead generation with single-page websites.


Blogs, Web Pages, White Papers, GMB Descriptions, Articles, Logos, Web Design


Keywords, Long-Tail Keywords, Meta Titles, Meta Descriptions, Internal Linking, Sitemaps


Legal, Automotive, Home and Garden, Cooking, Pets, Recipes, Real Estate, Personal Finance

Content Management

Create Blog Schedules, Marketing Strategies, FB posts, Google My Business Descriptions 


Legal, Automotive, Home and Garden, Cooking, Pets, Recipes, Real Estate, Personal Finance

Web Design

Logos, Creating New Websites for Your Business, Joomla!, SEO, Blogs, Page Text

Web Pages

Legal, Automotive, Home and Garden, Cooking, Pets, Recipes, Real Estate, Personal Finance


Blogs, Web Pages, White Papers, Google My Business Descriptions, Articles

Our Clients

  Rhea Morrigan, Author